How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off!
Never diet again with this comprehensive guide on how to lose weight!
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The Choose You Weight Management program is a unique way to achieve your nutrition related goals from the comfort of your own home and on your own schedule. Many clients come to me feeling overwhelmed with all of the information on the internet! They've tried a multitude of fad diets without long-term success! Research has shown that online weight management programs are very effective! They provide accountability and help set realistic goals! In our program we focus on creating healthy habits for life and provide you the tools you need to do so!
Your Instructor
As a young adult, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Once I discovered changing my diet was the only therapy to manage this disease and all of my symptoms, my whole life changed. I went from feeling sluggish and bloated everyday to feeling energized and good about how overall my body felt. I then decided to pursue my registered dietitian licensure to help others reach their goals and reach their potential to be able to live life to the fullest.
I am a Registered Dietitian who received her Masters degree from Drexel University in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. My post grad work was done through the University of Houston. I have worked in many areas of nutrition including in-patient in the hospitals, outpatient nutrition counseling, pediatric medical day care and long-term care.
I have 5 + years of personal and professional experience. Starting out in the clinical and long-term care settings, I was able to expand my knowledge base to provide medical and science-based nutrition counseling for her patients and clients. My clients include the following:
- Performance Nutrition for Amateur and Professional Athletes
- Adult Weight Management
- Eating Disorders
- Individuals with Diagnoses Requiring Medical Nutrition Therapy such as Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer
- Food Allergies
- Gastrointestinal Diseases Including Celiac Disease, IBS, Crohns/Colitis
- Individuals requiring long-term nutrition support (Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition)
- Bariatric Surgery
- Pediatric Weight Management and Picky Eating
I enjoy the diversity that exists amongst my clients; and the ability to work with clients to enhance their everyday lives. My motivation to continue learning about the most recent nutrition-related research is to provide clients with the best care possible.
Course Curriculum
StartWeek 1: Self-Evaluation (16:39)
StartWeek 2: Food Label Reading and Grocery Shopping (21:52)
StartWeek 3: Meal Prep/Cooking 101 (9:40)
StartWeek 4: Mindfulness (13:07)
StartWeek 5:Non-Scale Identifiers of Success! (8:46)
StartWeek 6: Stress and Sleep: The Other Factors (19:55)
StartWeek 7: Exercise and Hydration (13:28)
StartWeek 8: Breakfast (8:38)
StartWeek 9: Lunch (12:55)
StartWeek 10: Dinner (13:58)
StartWeek 11: Snacks (11:07)
StartWeek 12: Dining Out and Recap (13:06)
StartNew Lecture (1:55)